A Supportive Relationship

Danielle Forte | July 2023

Hey Friends,

The last few months I have been reminded by friends how big of a deal having a supportive relationship truly is. My husband, Matt, had many years on the field where I supported and loved him while he lived his dream. The one thing that never faltered between us was him making sure he supported me and my aspirations in the midst of it all. There have been countless times other people have made it clear that their view of me was that I was JUST “Matt Forte’s wife.”  More times than not people love to put other people in a box because it is easier for them to digest and understand. Having that supportive teammate can make all the difference in the world. I value Matt’s opinion because just as much as he wants to be great for me I want to be great for him. The world can be quick to judge or have harsh opinions. So to have someone in your corner that will support you and challenge you in a loving way is a goal that will be fruitful in all aspects of your life. So light an incense or a candle and cuddle up with your boo as a reminder to love each other well.

XO Danielle

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