Finding Your YOU Time

Danielle Forte | October 2023

Hey Friends,

I was just thinking the other day about as crazy as COVID lockdown was. I do miss the days sometimes where we all had nowhere to be. Life has surged back to pre lockdown but has come back with a vengeance. I find myself talking to more and more people about how fast life is and the fact that so many of us have forgotten about ourselves. Burnt out has been plaguing me so I decided to make sure that I created time for me. We make so many excuses to do everything else except what is necessary for us that we end up becoming overwhelmed. Then we wonder why our tolerance runs short or we just feel tired! I have found a few things that alleviate it for myself and I hope it helps you too. The willingness to just say no without feeling any guilt. Whether it be no to an outing or no to the laundry for an extra day is essential. It began to force me to not push myself further than I needed to. Stopping to sit quietly, drink some tea, read a book, get a massage or even watch Netflix and mind your business. Self care is top tier my friends make sure you utilize it. The world will still be there after you take a moment to breathe.

XO Danielle

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