In The Trenches
Danielle Forté | 828 Lifestyle Journals
Do you ever feel like you are just in the trenches? These past few months I have. Searching for a way to dig myself out. I was going to church, to friends, to date nights with my hubby. Anything I could think of to get my head above water. It dawned on me that there are seasons when we are in the trenches for our own refining. Seriously, let's be completely honest if we were always coasting through life we more than likely would not grow very much nor appreciate the gifts that we are given. We would expect it all at all times or be fearful of what could eventually be around the corner. Trenches give us time to polish our tarnished areas. So go take a moment to take a deep breath, get some writing tools and just be because the beauty of the polishing is around the corner.
Danielle XO